Coalition for Responsible Waste Incineration

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CRWI Mission Statement

Members of CRWI recognize that high temperature combustion is an integral part of the solution to the waste management challenge facing hazardous waste generators today. Consistent with EPA's waste management hierarchy, CRWI members advocate waste reduction and recycling as the key first steps in any comprehensive, responsible waste management plan. However, for many wastes that cannot be eliminated or recycled, combustion remains the safest, most appropriate treatment method.

CRWI member companies are committed to a leadership role in managing hazardous waste responsibly and operating safe thermal destruction devices in the communities in which they are located, in strict conformance with all permit conditions. In that connection, CRWI seeks to achieve this mission by focusing on the following guiding principles:

  1. Partnership with lawmakers, regulators and other companies and organizations to produce environmentally sound, cost-effective laws and regulations governing hazardous waste management;

  2. Education and elevation of public consciousness about the safety and role of combustion in the waste management hierarchy;

  3. Improvement of member company combustion operations through the sharing of scientific knowledge available in the field; and

  4. Facilitation of combustion and incineration research.

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